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Icelandic Online Dictionary and Readings

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kost/ur m (-ar, -ir)

1. (val) alternative, choice, possibility
ég á engan annan ~
I have no alternative
bjóða tvo ~i
offer two alternatives
að öðrum ~i
að minnsta ~i
at least
2. (tækifæri) opportunity, chance
eiga ~ á e-u
have the chance to do sth
gefa e-m ~ á e-u
offer sby the possibility of doing sth
gefa ~ á sér
offer oneself as a candidate
3. (kjör, skilyrði) terms, conditions
þungir ~ir
difficult terms
setja e-m ~i
dictate terms to sby
4. (góður eiginleiki) advantage, merit, good point, good quality
5. (fæði) board, food

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