To Editors:--The news in this bulletin is prepared especially for the press, and is released for publication on the date below.
May 18, 1912. | Milwaukee, Wis. | Volume 1, No. 19. |
This bulletin is edited by
Mrs. Henry M. Youmans Waukesha, Wis., to whom communications and marked copies may be addressed.
THE GREAT CONFERENCEHow many delegates will the women suffragists of this city send to the Mississippi Valley conference in Chicago next week? All woman suffragists are invited. Every society in the state is invited to send as many delegates as possible and every one who goes to Chicago will be entertained, providing notice is sent beforehand. No provision is made for the payment of railway fares. The conference will be held in Chicago May 21 and 22 and many of most noted of suffragists in the United States will be present. The list of notables includes Agnes E. Ryan, business manager of The Woman's Journal, Boston; Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, editor of The Woman's Journal; Mrs. Caroline Bartlett Crane, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio; Dr. Inez Philbrick, Nebraska; Mrs. Alice A. Hall, president Minnesota suffrage association; Emily H. Bright, Minneapolis; Margaret Noble Lee, Chicago; Miss Alice Henry, editor of Life and Labor, monthly magazine of Woman's Trade Union League; Mrs. Raymond Robbins, President Woman's Trade Union League, Chicago; Mrs. Wilbur Trout, Chicago; Miss Jane Addams, Chicago; Miss Sophronisba Breckenridge, Chicago; Rev. Anna Shaw, New York; Zona Gale, Portage, Wis.; Ella S. Stewart, Chicago; Dr. Anna Blount, Chicago; Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch, Evanston, Ill.; Miss Julia Lathrop, recently appointed head of national children's bureau; Mrs. Stubbs, wife of Gov. Stubbs of Kansas and Rev. Mary Safford, Des Moines, Iowa. The men who will probably be numbered among the speakers are Dr. B. O. Aylesworth, Colorado; Charles T. Hallinan, Illinois, and the Hon. Omar E. Garwood, Denver. Those intending to go to Chicago should send their names to Miss Mary R. Plummer. 938 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, to secure entertainment. On Thursday the conference will adjourn en masse to Milwaukee, where several meetings will be held and the most noted visitors will speak. Wisconsin women who cannot go to Chicago are urgently invited to come to Milwaukee and to remain over Friday, for general state conference on campaign work. All branches of the work will be considered by state leaders and it is hoped that every society in every state will be represented. Entertainment will be provided for all speakers and for two representatives for each suffrage society, providing notice is sent beforehand to Miss Atelka Jacobi, chairman of the entertainment committee, 518 Colby & Abbott Bld'g, Milwaukee. * * * *
WISCONSIN WOMEN SPEAKERSWisconsin women, who will speak in the Mississippi Valley conference next week, and their topics, are as follows: Rev. Olimpia Brown and Miss Ada L. James--Report of the Wisconsin Campaign; Conference on Publicity--Miss Zona Gale; County and State Fairs--Miss Gwendolyn Willis; Raising Money--Crystal Eastman Benedict; What Changes are Advisable--Miss Ellen Sabin; Suffrage Contests--Miss Lutie E. Stearns; The Suffrage Lobby--Miss Ada L. James; Are Large Delegations a Help--Mrs. Mary D. Bradford. * * * *
FAMILY TOUR IN JUNEMrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch and her family begin their auto campaign in this state June 17. Her husband. Frank McCulloch, herself, and her three children will start north, following the lake counties up to the peninsula, then crossing the state, and returning home along the Mississippi river. Mr. and Mrs. McCulloch give six weeks to the tour, making speeches all the time, and the children will incidentally have a six-weeks' vacation. * * * *
DRIVES AUTO, PLAYS CORNETMiss Ruth Harl of Chicago, who drives an auto and plays a cornet, has been secured to assist in the auto campaign for woman suffrage, in this state, during the coming summer. * * * *
BURDETTE FAVORS WOMAN SUFFRAGERobert J. Burdette, once widely known as editor of The Burlington (Iowa) Hawkeye, and among the most popular lecturers ever on the platform of Wisconsin cities, is now residing at Pasadena, Cal., where his beautiful home is one of the show places in that flower-covered city. One of his lectures, well remembered by the middle-aged people, was "The Rise and Fall of the Mustache." Mr. Burdette is now a Baptist clergyman and a champion of woman suffrage. He took a lively interest in the California campaign, and he is keenly interested in the Wisconsin campaign, since he at one time resided in this state. Poetic as always, Mr. Burdette says: "She who stretches her beautiful life alongside an open grave oft as she gives to her home, the state and to God's wonderful world a tiny life--a human germ of strength and gentleness, wisdom and courage of mighty possibilities--will it make her coarse and unwomanly to help select for him as he grows into boyhood and manhood the best and the manliest, the truest and the wisest to be his judges and governors--high examples for his imitation? "A champion for all that is good and true, right and pure, she will be then, even more than she is now. For her field of thought and action will be extended to the boundaries of national life." * * * *
MUCH COUNTY ORGANIZATIONThrough the activities of the Political Equality League about half the counties of the state are now organized for woman suffrage. There are sufficient organizers now at work so that it is hoped that every county in the state may be organized before the close of summer. * * * *
MRS. LA FOLLETTE'S OPINIONMrs. Robert La Follette, who is touring the Pacific coast, says: "The women of California are proving every contention we have made in favor of equal suffrage. They are showing themselves to be earnest, conscientious citizens. They seek to hear every side of a question and wish to use their newly acquired power to the best advantage as they can see it after real consideration." * * * *
MRS. NELSON A SUFFRAGISTMrs. John M. Nelson, wife of the Wisconsin congressman from the second district is greatly interested in woman suffrage and took part in the great suffrage parade in New York. Mrs. Nelson expects to help in the Wisconsin campaign, working especially among Scandanavians. * * * *
FILLERSMrs. Zella P. Egdahl has been appointed chairman of the press committee of the Political Equality League of Dunn county. Many of the Chautauquas held in this state during the summer will have woman suffrage speakers on their programs. Plans are on foot to distribute in Wisconsin several thousand copies of the speech on woman suffrage delivered by Congressman Taylor of Colorado. |